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Husky is a male fish +Anima and one of the main characters of the series. He was born with the name Myrrha [2], but gained the nickname "Husky" due to his gravely voice, which he now uses as his name.


Husky's Anima Marking

Husky's +Anima marking

Husky is a feminine-looking boy, and is often mistaken for a girl. He has short silver hair and blue eyes.

Husky always wears sapphire earrings which are his most prized possessions. He also usually wears a blue sleeveless jacket and shorts over a black t-shirt and pants. These are accessorized with a black belt, silver waist pouch, black boots and blue gloves.

In his Anima form, he grows gills on his neck, and a fish tail. His Anima markings are on the sides of his neck; they are two curvy lines that represent his gills, and three water droplets below.


Husky is depicted as having a serious attitude, which in contrast to his more carefree friends often comes across as grumpy and stubborn. This difference leads him to regularly become annoyed and start arguments with others.

Husky has a strong dislike of girls, believing them all to be "noisy, sneaky and selfish".[3] He developed this distrust having grown up watching Sailand's queens cruelty towards each other. [4] This bias led him to initially reject Nana, the only girl in the group, however overtime was able to accept and even become fond of her.

Husky's favorite food is fish, prefering clean and fresh food over greasy and sweet foods. [5]



Husky is adept in fighting with a staff, having been taught by Lady Crystala from a young age.


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Plot and/or ending details follow

Husky was a prince of Sailand. He lived in Stella, at the palace with the other royals. Along with his general studies, Lady Crystala taught him to fight with a staff. After an attempt on his life Husky obtained his Anima, but in Sailand +Anima are enslaved, so Husky fled to Astaria, leaving everyone to believe he had died.

While in Astaria, Husky was caught in a fisherman's net. He was then brought and sold to a circus. There Husky worked in sideshow under the name "Mermaid Princess".


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Plot and/or ending details follow

Husky is rescued from the circus by Cooro, and the two go travelling together. They shortly after meet Senri while protecting a village from a gang of thugs, and Nana in the underground tunnels of Octopus. The four of them travel across Astaria together, making their way westward. Along the way, Husky steals a staff from Beehive Manor.[6]

After reaching Moss Mountain, Husky decides that he wants to go back to Sailand to see his mother, Lady Marein. He intends to go alone, but Upas's intervention and the other's eavesdropping sees them continuing their journey together. While in Sailand, Husky is captured by slave traders and sold to Lord Hercius in Stella. He finds the situation advantageous and plots to sneak into the palace. Cooro and Nana find him, and together with Senri and Kazana, they sneak into the palace and are able to meet Husky's mother. After Kazana attempts to assassinate the King of Sailand, they are allowed to leave under Lady Crystala's care, and they head back to Astaria.

Husky continues to travel with his friends across Astaria, where they eventually arrive at the Astarian National Research Facility where Fly Greena Aight offers him the chance to be rid of his Anima; Husky refuses this offer. After Cooro has his Anima taken and disappears, Husky along with Nana and Senri go searching for him at his birthplace, Lilt. After reuniting they head back to Harden's home where they choose to settle down.


  • Husky's would-be status as heir apparent is unclear.
    • Keane states in Chapter 44 that Myrrha would be next in line for the throne were he still alive, while in Chapter 45 it is stated that Keane is turning 13 and he as the eldest prince will become king. Husky is only 11 at the time.
